Beautiful people,

Welcome to Awake Tees!


To spread seeds that grow authentic love, connection and kindness.

To fill the world with messages that encourage and awaken the heart and mind to choose sovereignty to ones inner light.

To remind each other that we have all we need inside.


There is power in a WORD. 

Words can awaken new perception and understanding. 

We imagine walking down the street wearing our fave #awaketee and a word, a phrase or an image on our t-shirt catches a persons eye. 

Synchronistically, it’s just the medicine they need, to confirm their new perceptions. It strengthens trust in their own authority. It inspires questioning. It opens them to see the world in a new light. Or it can simply be a portal to receive love and peace.  

In this time in the world we NEED lots of reminders of who we are and our potential as HUMAN WELL BEING.


We walk our talk. 

We choose to be a catalyst for change. 

We see all #awaketee wearers as seeders of the New Earth.

We like to look at #awaketees not as a fashion statement but rather a vibration statement. 

Each #awaketee message ripples out like a pebble dropped in a pond.

We love our growing community. 

Thank you for being part of the remembering of the dream…..

ABUNDANCE is not just for a few, but for All.


We give part profits to creative projects that are co creating vibrant community. Subscribe to our 'Awakeletter' to find out more.